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Updated: Aug 14, 2023

Losing a loved one is never easy, but losing my beautiful daughter Sophie was an unimaginable tragedy that has left a void in my heart. On her final day, we shared precious moments together, working side by side and creating memories that will forever be etched in my mind.

Throughout that fateful day, we laughed, joked, and made ambitious plans for the future. Some of our dreams were to embark on a girlie holiday, chase sunsets, and even attending the legendary Glastonbury festival. Sophie's spirits were soaring high, and she radiated a contagious joy that filled our hearts with hope and happiness.

However, destiny had other plans for my beloved angel. As the night unfolded, an unforeseen event shattered our world. I will share the details at a later date, as the pain is still too raw to recount fully. I vividly remember the moment when the paramedic spoke those crushing words, "we are all in agreement it's been 30 minutes now." I couldn't accept it, my heart refused to believe that our time together had come to such an abrupt end. My daughter, my precious Sophie, had chosen a different path from us, leaving us to navigate a world without her vibrant presence.

In the days and weeks that followed, the grief engulfed me, but I found solace in the cherished memories we shared. Sophie's laughter, her dreams, and her unwavering spirit became the guiding light through my darkest moments.

This blog post is just the beginning of a journey to honour Sophie's memory and celebrate the love we shared. As I gather the strength to share more about the tragic night that changed our lives forever, I hope that through my words, I can convey the essence of her remarkable soul and the deep connection we had.

In the upcoming posts, I will delve into the depths of my grief and the healing process, as well as share the incredible impact Sophie had on everyone she touched. Until then, I hold onto the love we shared and strive to make her proud by carrying on her legacy of joy, kindness, and unwavering spirit.

Updated: Aug 14, 2023

"Hello, how are you?" - The million-dollar question we get asked daily, as people try to show they care. But amid the caring facade, there's another question lurking within: "How am I really?" Struggling to answer, we wonder if we're coping or merely on autopilot. Disbelief and shock consume us, and we're left grappling with countless questions and the dangerous game of self-blame. "If only I had done this differently..." The battle rages on, but how do we stop this internal self-destruction?

Amid the concern of others, we find ourselves facing an internal struggle. The emotional toll seems unbearable, causing us to question every decision and action we've ever taken. It's a spiral that leads to self-doubt, regret, and the desire to rewrite our past.

Breaking free from this self-inflicted pain requires acknowledging that healing is a journey. Rather than suppressing our emotions, we should give ourselves permission to feel. Embracing vulnerability can pave the way for understanding and self-compassion.

The relentless "what ifs" and "if onlys" serve as chains, shackling us to our past mistakes. To stop killing ourselves from within, we must learn to forgive ourselves. We're only human, after all, and it's natural to make errors along the way. Breaking free from the cycle of self-destruction is no easy feat, and it's okay to ask for help. Reach out to friends, family, or a mental health professional who can offer guidance and support. Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

To those grappling with the relentless turmoil within, know that you are not alone. It's okay to struggle, and it's okay to seek help. Embrace vulnerability, release the burden of guilt, and focus on the present. By doing so, you can find a path to healing and rediscover the strength to cherish life once more. Remember, it's possible to find peace amidst the chaos, and you deserve to experience the beauty life has to offer.

Updated: Aug 14, 2023

When I found myself seated across from a funeral director, engulfed in a whirlwind of emotions, I couldn't help but wonder how life had led me to this moment. The weight of sadness, mingled with an inexplicable need to cherish memories, pushed me to create a memory box. With a heavy heart, I found myself requesting delicate mementos like fingerprints and a lock of hair. Amid the grief, I struggled to select flower arrangements, how could mere flowers ever convey the depth of my love for Sophie? Yet, as I moved through the process, I clung to the hope that every petal and hue would carry the essence of my feelings, an expression of love that transcended words. and the thought of choosing a coffin for my beloved little girl felt unimaginable. I point blank refused to look at wooden coffins (getting handed a brochure for these was very hard, I think it was another hard hitting blow that our Sophie was gone),As I found my voice, I asked to look at wicker coffins, a brochure for coffins, really what is happening !!! I asked to have a green trim on the coffin,– Sophie's favourite colour, a small way to honour her vibrant spirit. In the depths of sorrow, I longed for one last glimpse of my angel. I yearned to see Sophie one last time, to memorise every feature of her angelic face. It was an indescribable ache – the wish to etch her image into my mind forever. The funeral director understood the pain, allowing me the opportunity to spend those precious moments of farewell, granting me the closure I so desperately needed. The most profound decision lay ahead – to decide whether to cremate or bury my precious child. Little did I know, these would be the hardest decisions I'd ever face. As days turned into nights, the weight of deciding the fate of my little girl's physical form loomed heavy. To cremate or to bury – the choices seemed equally unbearable. On one hand, the permanence of burial offered a sense of connection to a tangible place of remembrance. On the other hand, cremation represented the possibility of keeping her close, holding her essence in a sacred urn. In the end, I realised that whichever choice I made, Sophie's spirit would forever reside in my heart.

Going home to choose what clothes I felt was right to dress Sophie in for the last time was an experience that carried both agony and tenderness. Walking into her room, surrounded by her belongings, was a poignant reminder of the vivacity she once brought to our home. Every item held a memory, and the task ahead seemed insurmountable.

Picking up each garment, I held it close, tracing the fabric with trembling hands. Memories of Sophie wearing them flooded my mind – birthday parties, laughter-filled playtimes, and moments frozen in time through photographs. It was a heartbreaking dance between cherishing the memories and coming to terms with the reality that these moments would remain in the past.

In my search for the perfect outfit, I sought something that captured the essence of Sophie's joyful spirit. After what seemed like an eternity, I finally settled on baggy jeans and a 1/4 zip jumper she adored. As I held the outfit close, I could almost feel her tiny arms around me, as if guiding me through this painful process. It was a moment of profound connection, acknowledging that our bond transcended life and death. Dressing her one last time was an intimate act of love – a final gesture to care for my little girl in the way only a mother could.

The moment I saw her lying there, dressed in that beloved outfit, it was as if time collapsed. The weight of the world melted away, and I was solely focused on my angel, my Sophie. She looked serene, as if she was just sleeping peacefully, waiting for me to wake her with a gentle touch. It was a bittersweet image, forever etched in my memory. Throughout this heart-wrenching process, I realised that even in death, a parent's love remains unwavering. Choosing her final outfit wasn't merely about aesthetics; it was a reflection of the love and affection that would always flow between us.

In the midst of sorrow, I found solace in knowing that I had the chance to say my goodbyes in the most tender way possible. My heart may have been shattered, but it was also filled with gratitude for the privilege of being Sophie's mum and for the moments we shared together. Though this chapter had come to an end, our bond would continue to exist, forever alive in the chambers of my heart. In retrospect, I understand that these difficult decisions and actions were all driven by love. They were my way of paying tribute to a life that touched mine so profoundly. Though grief will always accompany me, I take comfort in knowing that love transcends everything – even death. And as I move forward, cherishing the memories of my sweet Sophie, I know she will forever remain my guiding light through life's darkest moments.

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