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...crocodile tears, true friend or not ?

Updated: Oct 13, 2023

My heart aches as I try to find the words to express the pain and anguish I feel after the devastating loss of my beloved 19-year-old daughter, Sophie, to suicide. It was a day that blindsided us all, a day we never saw coming. Sophie, like all of us, had her struggles, and we were actively addressing them together. However, it is only now that I am starting to unravel the horrifying truth about the abusive relationship Sophie was trapped in. I will share more about that when I am stronger, but for now, my heart is heavy with the knowledge that Sophie reached out to some of her "friends," pouring out her feelings and pleading for help on multiple occasions.

Sophie was a young woman with her share of struggles. As her mother, I was there for her, and together, we were working through life's challenges. But it's only now, in the aftermath of her untimely passing, that I've begun to unearth the painful truth about the abusive relationship Sophie was trapped in. It's a topic I plan to address when I gather enough strength, but today, my heart aches with another revelation.

Learning that Sophie reached out to certain individuals, whom she considered friends, leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. She bared her soul to them, expressing the turmoil that raged within her, pleading for help. It wasn't a single cry for assistance; it was a chorus of desperate appeals. To my disbelief, Sophie even found herself apologizing for things she had never done, all in a desperate attempt to escape the darkness that threatened to consume her.

What cuts me to the core is the discovery that some of these so-called friends responded with insincere concern. Their tears were like crocodile tears, masking the cold reality that they did not extend a helping hand when Sophie needed it most. They didn't lift a finger to seek help on her behalf, nor did they offer the comfort she so desperately craved. Instead, they sent messages that deepened her despair, further isolating her in her anguish.

In the midst of my grief, one question haunts me: What could have transpired between friends that would justify abandoning someone in their darkest hour? What act, what offense, could be so unforgivable that it justifies turning away from a friend who was drowning in pain?

To those who may recognize themselves in this narrative, I urge you to take a moment to reflect. If you find that you could have done something differently, I implore you to summon the strength to acknowledge it. In the wake of this harrowing loss, we all must bear the weight of our actions, or inaction, and strive for understanding and healing.

In loving memory of Sophie, may her story serve as a stark reminder of the importance of compassion, support, and genuine friendship in the lives of those who silently battle their inner demons.

And to those who might wonder if this message is directed at them, I ask you to reflect deeply. If you sense that you could have acted differently, please consider it a call to self-reflection and grow. Together, we can honour Sophie's memory by striving to be better friends and advocates for those in need.

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