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Discovering My Child Through Familiar Words

Updated: Aug 14, 2023

As a parent, there are moments in life that challenge us to our very core. Some memories are etched into our souls, forever altering the way we perceive the world. One such moment occurred in my life when I unexpectedly stumbled upon a conversation, filled with familiar words that sent shivers down my spine. Words like "autopsy," "corona," and "embalming" slowly revealed a truth that I was unprepared to face – these seemingly ordinary nouns were referring to my own beloved child.

It was an ordinary day, just like any other, until a series of events unfolded that would shake my world to its foundations. Words I had encountered in my everyday life – in the news, medical dramas, and discussions with friends. Yet, this time, they carried an unimaginable weight as they were connected to my very own child.

An autopsy – a word I knew was related to post-mortem examinations. My child is at James Cook hospital, getting an autopsy and all I can think is why is she having work done at a hospital alone ? why am I not there with her?

Corona –I now find myself speaking directly to a corona, telling me what happens next, she gave me the results of the autopsy and explaining that there will be an inquest into her death and this will go to court ????

Embalming – a practice I had heard of in the context of funeral preparations.

These words were intricately linked to my child's life, or more tragically, their untimely passing.

In the midst of this heart-wrenching realisation, I have climbed on a roller coaster of emotions, grief, despair, denial.I learned that vulnerability is not a weakness, but a testament to the strength of the human spirit. I sought solace in the support of loved ones who shared my burden, offering their shoulders to lean on during the darkest of days.

Though the pain is unbearable, I realised that holding on to cherished memories was the path to healing. I started to celebrate the beautiful moments I had shared with my girl, cherishing her laughter, love, and joy that had brightened my life.

In the face of profound loss, I discovered the resilience within myself to navigate through grief. I channelled my pain into spreading awareness about the causes that touched my child's life, turning my agony into a mission for change.

Life has a way of confronting us with unexpected challenges, and it is in these moments that we unearth the strength within ourselves to overcome adversity. As I continue to walk this path of grief, I hold dear the memories of my precious girl, keeping her spirit alive through advocacy and love. May my story serve as a reminder to cherish every moment with our loved ones, for life is both fragile and beautiful, and we must embrace it with open hearts.

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