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the night that haunts me....

Some memories have a way of etching themselves into our minds with so much clarity, while others seem to slip away as though they were never there. It's a curious phenomenon, the selectiveness of our recollections. For me, that particular night stands, every moment is  unforgetfulness, every detail etched into my consciousness. It's a night I'm haunted by daily, haunted by the vivid images and the emotions that accompany its memory.

It was a seemingly ordinary evening, the kind where nothing interesting happens, everyone goes by their daily routines. Early evening, the events started to unravel, the events that would make life change forever. Even now, I can recall the exact moment when time seemed to stand still, frozen in a tableau of disbelief and dread. At  1 a.m.exactly, the witching hour, when the world is bathed in an eerie stillness. The young paramedic's words echoed in the silence, “everyone in agreement ……” , I was the only one to say, “no '' wanting them to keep trying to bring my baby girl back,  a chorus of agreement, there was nothing more I could do.  And then, like a bolt from the blue, reality crashed down upon me - Sophie is gone.

"No" I cried out, my voice tinged with desperation and denial. "This sort of thing happens on TV and in films, not in my garden, not with my child."

But life, as I would soon learn, has a way of defying our expectations, of shattering the illusions we hold dear. And so, on that fateful night, I found myself lying on the grass with my daughter nestled beside me, knowing deep in my heart that it would be the last time we would share such a simple, precious moment.

In the aftermath of that night, the memories came flooding back with a relentless intensity, each detail etched into my mind with a clarity and heartbreak. I can see it all so vividly. I remember later on feeling so so cold but not realising at the time how cold it was outside.

And yet, even as these memories threatened to consume me, I found myself grappling with a different kind of fear—a fear that the cherished moments of my past, the memories that had once brought me joy and solace, would fade into obscurity, lost amidst the shadows of that one fateful night. It's a strange paradox, the way our minds cling to the painful memories while allowing the happy ones to slip away. Perhaps it's a coping mechanism, a way of shielding ourselves from the unbearable weight of our grief. Or perhaps it's simply the nature of memory itself, a capricious and unpredictable force that defies rational explanation.

But even as I grapple with these uncertainties, I find solace in the knowledge that some memories are too precious to be forgotten, too deeply ingrained in the fabric of our being to be erased by the passage of time. And so, as I navigate the turbulent waters of grief and loss, I hold tight to the memories that sustain me—the laughter of my daughter, the warmth of her embrace, the countless moments of joy and love that we shared.

For in the end, it is these memories that define us, that shape the narrative of our lives and give meaning to our existence. And though the night may be long and the road ahead fraught with obstacles, I take comfort in the knowledge that I am not alone—that as long as these memories endure, I will always carry a piece of my daughter with me, a beacon of light to guide me through the darkness.

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